Chaos Prevailed!

Greg Evers of Minnesota with a 250 pound tuna in Panama

Our May 2024 trip to Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge was filled with big fish…really really big fish.

Our new friend Greg Evers singlehandedly tamed a yellowfin tuna that pulled the scale down to almost 250 pounds.

Greg is a big guy, but still, no one would have blamed him if he’d asked for assistance. Click below to learn how it all happened. Only when you hear it in Greg’s words will you fully understand the miracle that landed in the boat. 

If you want to join us or travel with your own group to Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge please shoot me an email and let’s get the process started. We promise we’ll help take turns if you get tied to “a good fish.”

Giant yellowfin tuna at Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge

How’d You Meet Your Angler – Karin Zona


How’d You Meet Your Angler? – Anna and Clark Reehm