How’d You Meet Your Angler? Robin and Randy Howell

Randy Howell and Robin Howell at the Church Where They were married

Every couple changes over time, even if one partner’s flattop hairstyle does not. Randy and Robin Howell are childhood sweethearts, a Classic winning team, and while they may argue over who has the better hair, their partnership is one of the strongest and most long-lasting on the pro tours today.

HPFC: Can you share the story of how you and your husband first crossed paths?

Robin Howell: After the 8th grade, my parents moved me from the Academy I had been at since kindergarten to a Christian school in the town my mom was now working in. It was about a 30 minute drive one way and away from all my friends, which was super difficult. Our class only had 12 people in it and Randy was one of them. He also made a long drive daily to go there. It was 45 minutes for him.

HPFC: What were your initial impressions or your husband when you first met him?

Robin Howell: My initial impression of Randy: he was very friendly, cute, and athletic. The main thing I noticed was how much he tried to help others. We had another classmate that was handicapped and Randy always rushed to help this classmate get around campus.

HPFC: Did you know anything about fishing when you first met?

Robin Howell: I was familiar with fishing when I met Randy. Our family owned a couple of ponds that my dad would take us fishing in quite often.  I loved fishing but definitely on a smaller scale since I never really fished in big lakes.

HPFC: What if anything, did you know about professional bass fishing before you met?

Robin Howell: I knew nothing about professional bass fishing when I met Randy!

HPFC: Was there a specific moment or event that made you realize your feelings were more than just friendship?

Robin Howell: We were friends starting in 9th grade and began dating in the 10th grade. We always were flirting with each other but it took a bit before I “gave in” and started dating him! Honestly, I think it was just timing because I finally got my driver’s license haha. I am 9 months older than him so I drove him around for quite a while.

HPFC: How long have you been married?

Robin Howell: As of May 16 of this year, we have been married for 32 years!

HPFC: When you met was he already fishing professionally or did he have another job and what was his profession?

Robin Howell: He was already a fishing guide on Gaston Lake where he lived. He also fished team tournaments that would allow someone under 16 to fish.

HPFC: How did the two of you come to terms with him going out and living his dream?

Robin Howell: He already knew that he wanted to be a professional fisherman when I met him. It really wasn’t a thing we came to terms with but something that he just took the steps to become without either of us really thinking about it. It was all he had ever wanted to do!

HPFC: What doubts might you have had with him going on tour and how did you overcome them?

Robin Howell: I am not sure if it was because we were so young or what, but I really never had any doubts at all about him becoming a professional angler.

HPFC: What if any challenges or obstacles did you have to work through?

Robin Howell: We actually navigated the Pro angler situation together, blindly almost!

HPFC: How do you manage his on the road schedule?

Robin Howell: After I finished college, I began traveling full-time with him. Even when we had kids, I continued to travel with him and I homeschooled the boys. It has only been the last four years that I have not traveled full time because our youngest wanted to play basketball and go to school here in Guntersville. These four years have been quite an adjustment to say the least as far as being away from each other. However, I am glad I could be here with Oakley while he attended school and I now look forward to getting back on the road with Randy this summer since Oakley is graduating and going to college.

HPFC: How do you adjust when your husband returns home after being away for weeks at a time practicing or from competitions?

Robin Howell: We catch up on all things business and we try to have a lot of fun in between tournaments. We walk every day together and have lots of date nights!

HPFC: Are there any activities or special events that you and your husband enjoy doing when you are together after he has been gone all season?

Robin Howell: The last four years have been consumed with a lot of basketball in between tournaments. But we also love to go out fishing here on Guntersville quite often. We also exercise almost every day together.

HPFC: Do you have any pet peeves?

Robin Howell: I really don’t have many pet peeves. The only one that comes to mind is I don’t like for him to touch me with his feet or point at me! Haha!!!!

HPFC: What do you think your husband’s pet peeves are of you?

Robin Howell: I love to make sure he sees the stop light is red or the car in front of us is stopping. He definitely doesn’t love me helping him with the driving!

HPFC:  What are your retirement plans?

Robin Howell: We have two different meanings of retirement. My thought is we live somewhere warm for half the year and then here in Guntersville the 2nd half. However, I don’t think the word retirement is in Randy’s vocabulary. He always says he has no plans of retirement but only cutting back on the amount of work.

HPFC: Something off the wall that no one knows about the two of you.  

Robin Howell: Gosh there’s probably so much! But here’s one, on our senior trip to Disney World, Randy proposed to me in the Contemporary Resort!! And the rest is history!

Robin Howell and Randy Howell

Girl Power