Best Fishing Gifts to Give if You’re a Broke-Ass Spouse, Significant Other or Fishing Partner

Wife reeling in a sailfish at Casa Vieja Lodge Guatemala

We’re just a short time away from the expected unwrapping rituals of the holidays and you still haven’t bought all of the necessary gifts. Maybe you’re indecisive, or lazy, or simply broke. If that’s the case, or Prime can’t get what you want in time, then take a lesson from your grade school self: Make a coupon book. 

Yes, just think back to Mrs. Crabapple’s first grade class, when you made mom and dad a book full of all sorts of “gimmes,” most of which you were supposed to be giving them anyway. For example, certificates “Good For One Hug” or “Will clean my room.” You were a cheap little SOB back then, and you may still be one now, but that doesn’t mean your gifts can’t have meaning and value. 

Create a coupon or a coupon book for your favorite traveling angling partner. It could be your wife or your best friend. It doesn’t matter. In many cases, these gifts – despite being effectively free – are more useful than the 800th crankbait or hat. 

Here are some easy ones that would make me happy: 

  • One pre-trip bank visit – Yes, you can take out your tip money for an upcoming fishing trip from just about any ATM, but it’s likely to come in twenties. You’ll need other denominations to treat drivers, baggage handlers and guides properly, but no one likes to go to the bank. Be the bigger person, take care of business. 

  • Spool it up – On a typical weeklong trip to Mexico, Hanna and I bring 12-15 reels. Some of them have relatively fresh braid and don’t need respooling, but typically I err on the side of caution. It’s not quick, although it can be done in front of the TV. Still, it would be nice to have someone else do it. [Caveat: I probably wouldn’t let anyone do this for me, I’m kind of picky about my line. Your recipient may have similar feelings.] 

  • The trouble with trebles – While I might not trust someone to respool my reels, I would have no issue with them replacing my subpar hard bait treble hooks, so long as they knew which ones to use. I could keep the gift giver busy for hours with a bucket full of plugs and a pair of split ring pliers, and it would rest my declining eyes. 

  • Immigration Forms – Even when they’re in my native language, I hate filling out customs forms to enter another country. They’re always annoying and repetitive and I feel like I missed something. They frustrate me. If Hanna would take care of them on every trip (I’ll read out the passport numbers) I would be eternally grateful. 

  • Free pass to the hot seat – Depending on the type of trip you’re taking, this could vary. The recipient could have the right to grab the trolling motor at any time, or the option of taking the first fish into the sailfish/marlin spread – in other words, an automatic dibs on a prime time opportunity. 

Coupon book gift


  • If you really are a first grader….offer to wash the tow vehicle and boat (thoroughly, including livewells). 

  • If you fish tournaments….offer to be the one to unhook at the hotel to drive everyone to dinner. 

  • If you’re really a good spouse….take your partner to the airport for a fishing trip of his/her own without grumbling. 

None of these is particularly exciting, but nor are they quite as onerous as helping Keith Hernandez move. Most of all, they’re free and they’ll be welcomed by the recipient.

Mexico customs immigration forms for US Citizens

Last Gasp ’22 Fishing & Travel Link Cornucopia


Tripletail Shirts, Hats and Jewelry