Links to the Fishing RV Lifestyle

Hanna’s been blogging occasionally about our long-term (getting shorter every day) goal of traveling the country in an RV. I’ll likely pull a 5th wheel and she and the dog will pull the boat. While I’ve referred to that goal in passing, I don’t want readers to think that I’m not part of the research team. I’ve been asking lots of questions and doing lots of reading about the topic. 

Here are several recent articles that I’ve stored away: 

Everyone makes mistakes, some of them costly, but of course our goal is to make them as few and as minor as possible – especially since we’re not particularly mechanical. We’ve grilled people like the Morgenthalers on best practices and our goal is to minimize the heartache and hassle, while maximizing enjoyment. 

I knew that you could camp at many Wal-Marts, but until Bill Lowen mentioned to me that many Cracker Barrels allow camping as well, I had no idea. My biggest worry is that Hanna will spend too much time in the gift shop buying rooster paraphernalia.

Some drives to savor, many of which will be near places that are already on the list for fishing trips. They all intrigue me, but I’d be lying if I said that “two Blue Ribbon Smallmouth streams” didn’t rise to the top of the list. 

It may be aimed at women, but as we head into unfamiliar and sometimes remote or secluded destinations, we need to remember to be vigilant about safety. We don’t want to lose our stuff or our lives. 

The dream trip would be to drive to Alaska, and spend a summer there, lazily enjoying the extended daylight, the people and the incredible fishing. I hope that we have the guts and stamina to do it someday. I also hope, as the author suggests, that we “don’t succumb to ‘get-there-itis,’” on that trip or any other. After all, we’ll be retired.

None of these were on our list previously, but maybe we’ll add one, two or more of them. Taneycomo is the only one we’ve ever fished, and I’d very much like to go back, but the others intrigue us as well.

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This link isn’t necessarily RV-specific, but it gets to the heart of our website: How to balance real-world obligations and finances against our adventurous dreams and desires. 


Mid-Summer Fishing and Travel Link Extravaganza


Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation: Bass Fishing Clothing I Wanted But Never Owned