My Eyes Adored You

Pelican camera case at Lake El Salto Sinaloa Mexico

“Die with memories, not with dreams.” That’s one of my favorite sayings – ok, not the part about dying, but definitely the part about the importance of memories. Luckily, with modern technology it’s possible to have vivid photographic evidence of the great moments of our lives. Here are seven individual photos and collages that are among my favorites:

Pete Robbins relaxing on a fishing boat in Panama

Our logoed hat in his hands (ok, that part may have been staged), his phone in the cupholder, his eyes shut, a tan on his face = This picture makes me so happy. If you only knew how hard Pete works to help others learn about fishing, find places to fish, and figure out how to get there, you’d wonder how he finds the time. This picture represents the pleasure and happiness he gets from doing all of that. Fishing in Panama is simultaneously energizing and relaxing for Pete. I have to keep asking him if he is mad about something because he is so laid back and reserved, I feel like something is wrong.

Two bass caught on one crankbait

I cast, I reeled and then there was a “thunk” and I hook set into next week and then I reeled some more. My heart pitter pattered and I didn’t say anything but the thought was there, I had finally caught my 10-pounder. I’d gone into double digits, but “unfortunately” it took two fish to get it done. The fish are hungry and aggressive at Lake El Salto and both of them wanted that Strike King 10XD. One was four pounds and the other was six-plus. I can’t wait for the day when I feel that thunk again and this time I am hoping my next phone call is to Advanced Taxidermy.

Zebra staring at you

I took approximately 8,500 plus pictures on our 2016 Africa adventure. Birds, elephants, food, fish, people – but this one sticks in my mind the brightest. I love black and white, so classic and clean. I found out that no two zebras’ stripes are the same. Each animal one is different. I like different. Perhaps it’s how his eyes are looking at me, it’s like we know each other. Make the time, go see my safari friends and look them in the eyes. They will stay with you forever.

Pete Robbins 50th birthday celebration with family at Casa Vieja Lodge Guatemala

Our families don’t really understand our obsession with fishing. To us, the thrill seems so obvious -- travel to amazing places, make tons of new friends, learn new habitats and many times take home our catches. For Pete’s 50th birthday his parents took the bait and found themselves in for an adventure of their lifetime at 75 and 76 years old. Guatemala’s Casa Vieja Lodge provided 5-star treatment, exceptional food (and yes there were meals in between meals – we ate the Robbins way throughout our stay), and the luxury boat, I am quite sure there were smiles on their faces for three days. The best part is that my mother-in-law caught the first and biggest fish of her lifetime, a sailfish. Every time we mention we are going on a fishing adventure she asks, “To Casa Vieja?” The boat speaks for itself, this vacation showed them how and why we do what we do and it was the Finest Kind of vacation, celebrating their son and seeing him be happy.

Pip Squeak by Rio for Alaska Bristol Bay fly-in adventures

This picture of me in some place a float plane dropped us off and then took off, perhaps never to come back, isn’t spectacular, but it reminds me of one of my favorite trips, of one of my favorite fly-fishing lures and one of my favorite fish. The fish wasn’t big but it was the style in which I caught it and the lure I caught it on that makes that smile on my face beam from ear to ear. I remember my mom used to call me “Pipsqueak,” and this lure is called Pip Squeak. Our guide showed me this cute mouse and I said I want to use that and he knew I wasn’t going to give up so he tied it on. I think he gave me quick directions thinking there was no way I was going to figure this out but I caught fish for the rest of the day on it. As you all know, I am SUPER competitive and just knowing that this technique was extremely hard and Pete didn’t even want to get involved, as we had limited time in the water, made this a shining moment in my fishing “career.”

Nieces and nephews with their prized fish catches

It’s no secret our family thinks we are a little nuts when it comes to our fishing obsession. Waking up early, driving for hours on backroads to nowhere, being on the water in all different weather conditions, to catch and then release our fish. But some of the best pictures have come as texts from our nieces and nephews proud to show us their catch of the day. So, either we are all crazy or Auntie Hanna and Uncle Pete are just kind of cool.

group fishing trip pictures

We may not have started Half Past First Cast to show off our friends, but they are all a huge reason why we continue. We have met some of the most interesting people on our fishing travels. Some of these friends have become so close we consider them family. I always say the world is here for us to see and the best part is the people we meet on those journeys.


Dogtooth Tuna – Another Aspirational Conquest


Classing Up the Choupique