Quirky Concept Campers for Retirement Consideration

Rolls Royce concept camper RV all-black

If all goes according to plan, Hanna and I will retire from our long-term full-time jobs in a little bit less than four years. For a variety of reasons it might end up being a little bit more than that, and certainly won’t be less, and under no circumstances will we actually stop working. On the contrary, I plan to write substantially more and she will dive deeper into the fishing content and travel business.

Part of the plan has always been to travel about half the year in an RV, perhaps working some or all of the Elite Series events, and in any case seeing more of the country. That’ll involve lingering in places and dawdling or sidetracking on occasion. We plan to do it from some sort of a camper or RV. The question is exactly what kind.

We’ve ogled the big Fifth Wheels and asked all of our Elite camping friends about their rigs. I think that’s the route that we’ll eventually take, with one of us pulling that and the other pulling the boat. At the same time, I’ve strongly suggested that we spend the first year in a truck camper so that we can travel in a single vehicle and make sure that we really enjoy the whole process. She seems dubious.

Lance Truck Camper on a Chevrolet 5500 body

I’m not going to fight it now, because the technology and designs could be totally different by the time we’re ready. As proof of that, every day my feed is filled with stories about new camping options – some of them possible, some of them farfetched, most of them intriguing in one way or another. Here are some recent ones.

Romotow Swiveling Camper RV from New Zealand

While none of these are likely to be our eventual choice, we love daydreaming about them and taking hints about what space will best serve our unique set of needs and lifestyle.

Nomad Pro Mobile Workspace

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