Should Anglers Retire to Mazatlán?

Should bass anglers retire to Mazatlan Mexico

Hanna and I have fished Lake El Salto since 2009, and Lake Picachos since 2014, and most years we travel to one or both multiple times. Our pathway is through the city of Mazatlán, and while we typically don’t spend much time in the city over the course of those trips we’ve seen the area boom.

It has also allegedly become much safer – I say “allegedly” because we’ve never had the first problem down there, including on our first visit when Hanna and I supplemented our fishing trip with a few days on the beach in the city’s Golden Zone.

As we near our retirement date from our full-time jobs, we are fairly certain that we will leave Virginia, but we struggle to identify a mutually-acceptable location (or locations) for our new domicile. Until recently we hadn’t considered areas outside of the United States. That may change, though. Our eyes were opened when we started visiting Panama, where many US expats live happily and inexpensively. Could Mazatlán, with its great weather, affordable housing, and great nearby fishing, provide another option? Below are a few links that might help inform our decision:

Articles About Retiring to Mazatlán

Individuals’ Assessments of their Mazatlán Retirements

Drawing of Mazatlan skyline for expat retirees

We’ve met several anglers on the plane or in the airport waiting area who’ve purchased homes around Picachos or who store boats there. That’s one option, but so is buying a condo or even a McMansion in or near the city at sub-US prices. If you’d like to explore the possibility of moving closer to El Salto or Picachos, one of the best ways to do that is to take a trip to Anglers Inn and then tack on a few days of purposeful beach vacation. Email us if you’d like to make that happen – we can definitely help with the first part, and then give you some guidance and ideas for the second.


Pinche Gringo Fishing Crew


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