Tattoo Tuesday -- I Like Big Butts

Pete Robbins and Keith Combs halibut fishing Seward Alaska with Captain Chris Hanna shimano fillets 2019

As summer approaches, I am anxious to get back to Alaska, mostly because I had such an incredible trip with Keith Combs last year and want Hanna to get that same experience, but also because we’re running out of halibut. I shipped home a crateload of it after Keith and I fished with Captain Chris Hanna, but between our own stomachs and those of our friends, our stock is low.

Halibut may be beautiful on the plate, but visually they’re an acquired taste. Nevertheless, a quick search shows that lots of devotees have them inked on their bodies. Here are a few favorites:

Some of the best incorporate tribal art, like this one from Alisha Rice Tattoo in Denver:

Aisha Rice Tattoo Denver tribal halibut tattoo

Or this colorful one from Dave Lang Tattoo in Alaska:

Dave Lang tattoo Alaska tribal halibut arm ink

This one from the aptly-named Glue Sniffer Tattoo in Poland reminds me of just how powerful and fierce these flat fish can be:

Glue Sniffer Tattoo Poland black and white halibut Europe powerful flatfish ink

This beaut from Rain-City Tattoo’s Jason Mecham in Ketchikan comes complete with an octo-wrap:

Rain City Tattoo Ketchikan halibut octopus wrap ink art forearm

And Easy Tattoo in Bellevue, Washington came up with another winner.

Easy Tattoo Bellevue Washington halibut flatfish ink arm art

Do you have a ‘but tattooed on your butt (or anywhere else)? Or another cool fish tattoo? Send us a shot, even if it’s NSFW, and we’ll try to feature it on Tattoo Tuesday.


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