Tattoo Tuesday -- Gold Medalists in Bronze

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Our first episode of Tattoo Tuesday featured the smallmouth tattoo on JP DeRose’s forearm, but he’s not the only brown fish freak in our sights. Smallmouths are a species that generate plenty of frustration, and drive some people to madness, but they also inspire lots of undying devotion – so much that people want to ink ‘em on their bodies. The following are a few that we found that we thought were particularly good:

Dan Curatolo of Boundless Tattoo Company near Hanna’s native Chicago made this colorful scene

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West Virginia’s Tattoo Joes put together this hyper-realistic jumper

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Here’s another one with great detail from the Electric Anchor Tattoo Company, also in West Virginia

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A black-and-white shot of old brownie eating a craw crank from Main St. Ink in Arkansas

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Justin Nudell of No Coast Tattoo in North Dakota with a shot of a smallmouth hooked on a power fishing setup

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And Greg Correa of Tennessee apparently has bronze running through his blood

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So which one do you like best?

Would you choose a smallmouth over a largemouth, or do you have room for both?

Anyone have a spotted bass tattoo?


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