Transporting Your Fish Replicas

Coast to Coast Taxidermy crated black marlin replica

Hanna and I are likely five to ten years away from moving to another state. Ideally at that time we will have added to our current seven (plus one on the way) fish replicas. After seeing all of the incredible mounts at the Dallas Safari Club show in January, it got me thinking about how we’ll make sure that our prized wall hangings make it to their new abode unscathed.

Obviously, we can pack them ourselves and move them in the back of our personal vehicles, and in some cases we may end up doing that, but for larger pieces (is there a marlin or bluefin tuna or a big bass table mount in our future?) that may prove infeasible. Furthermore, if we do it ourselves, and we get into a wreck or stop short and damage the piece of art, then we’re likely back to square one.

Experienced movers may be able to handle proper packing and shipment of taxidermy. At least if their efforts result in damage, they’re insured and will have to get your replica fixed or replaced. Nevertheless, that puts you in the position of waiting for that work to be done, which currently may require a wait of a year or more. Better to do it right the first time. I’ve already detailed how to order a fiberglass fish replica. Now I need to figure out how to move one after receiving it.

Trophy Transport is a premiere big game shipping expert company

Here are Some Companies That Specialize in Taxidermy Transportation

Fortunately, there are companies that specialize in this type of work. The lion’s share of their efforts may involve massive mammals rather than fish, but most seem willing and able to take care of the latter as well. We haven’t used them (yet) so we can’t vouch for their service or pricing, but if you’re looking to move a large piece of taxidermy it makes sense to consult them.

trophy shippers expert taxidermy movers

Here are Some Articles that Offer Good Advice for DIYers and Others


  • Obviously, this applies to completed mounts and replicas. If you’re looking to transport a carcass or skin anywhere, some different rules and considerations may apply.

  • Check with your insurance company. Good replicas are not inexpensive – consider a rider if they are not covered under existing policies.

  • If we’re on the cusp of receiving a replica when it’s time to move, we may just wait until we’re in the new place. The shipping we’ve received from Advanced Taxidermy, Lake Fork Taxidermy and Lax Reproductions has been flawless. 

Boxed Payara replica from Advanced Taxidermy in Canada

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