HPFC Hall of Fame: AFTCO Tactical Shorts

[This is the first in what I hope will be a series of articles where we identify “Hall of Fame” products – the ones that we’ve put through a long-term torture test and choose the vast majority of the time above just about every other product in its category. This time it’s a pair of shorts that are always on the top of the stack, ready to go. Next time, it could be a rod, a type of terminal tackle, or a certain pair of sunglasses. Let us know what you think.]

If you’ve seen a picture of me where I’m smiling and holding a fish and the temperature is above 70 degrees, there’s a pretty good chance that I’m wearing AFTCO’s Tactical Fishing Shorts, and also that they’re in the Grey Camo color. While I now own a minimum of 20 pieces of AFTCO clothing, probably closer to 40, this particular pair of shorts was among the first pieces I purchased back in 2018, and they continue to get worn more than just about any other single piece of clothing I own.

They’ve spent more time in Latin America than most anglers, making multiple trips to Mexico, Guatemala and Panama. They’ve been there for giant tuna and trophy bass, but they’ve also been there for some less exciting moments – during the pandemic, I wore them just about every day that I worked from home, unless it was too cold inside and I absolutely had to wear long pants. Even though I’ve subsequently bought them in multiple other colorways, those grey camos are my security blanket. They came to me fully broken-in, and six years later they still feel almost new.

Why I Like The AFTCO Tactical Shorts

So why do I like them so much? A lot of it comes down to fit. I’m a weirdly-shaped 36 waist. Some shorts fit in the waist, but totally crunch my crotch, especially when I’m sitting. Others are roomy down below, but I can’t tuck a shirt into them to save my life (not that I tuck a shirt into these often, but they won’t bunch up your boxers, either). These fit me perfectly – they drape nicely and I think they’re relatively slimming, without pulling or pinching anywhere.

I also like the fact that they have a Velcro cargo pocket on the hip for a wallet or phone, and a pliers sheath built in, but that they’re not big and bulky, bulging oddly and making me look like a refugee from 1992. Even after all these years and all of the abuse, the Velcro still seals perfectly. I’m even amazed by the thread that they use for the buttons. At first I thought the button was loose because it dangles a little bit, but that’s by design, to give a little more flex. Even after pulling on it thousands of times, it’s never come undone.

The material is ripstop, so it stands up to abuse, but it’s also lightweight and airy, almost slippery feeling. It’s somewhere between a board short and traditional everyday shorts you would wear golfing or out to dinner. That’s the look and feel, but what’s really more important is how they react to the elements. First off, they dry quickly if you get them wet, but more importantly they’re remarkably stain resistant. Sure, you can get dirt out of almost anything, but tuna blood and Spike It are different stories altogether, and mine have withstood the test of time. The only wearing I have is that one of the front pockets is starting to fray a bit.

Factors to Consider

Everyone has a different fit. Some of you with more athletic bodies may have a wider range of shorts that work for you. I sometimes get shorts and simply know that I won’t be able to wear them. With any of them, I strongly encourage you to try them on – or at least read the reviews ahead of time to see how they’ll fit.

The only downside (which, in some ways, is actually an upside) to the Tactical Shorts, is that they come in a variety of camo patterns. For those of us who are fashion-challenged, it’s sometimes a problem to figure out exactly what matches. I like the embedded fish in the original camo, and I recently bought my brother a pair of the Digi Camo for his upcoming trip to Guatemala (we’re built similarly, with the same waist size), but if you need something more conservative, AFTCO’s Light Gray or Stone Stealth Fishing Shorts might be a better choice. They feature the same 21-inch outseam and 10-inch inseam. If you want a shorter pair of shorts, AFTCO now makes their Original Fishing Short in a wealth of colors, plus various camo patterns.

Bonus Content

  • AFTCO also makes the Tactical Shorts in “Big Guy” sizes up to a 54-inch waist.

  • I’m going to be sad when the original Grey Camo pair “dies” (I should probably invest in another pair in case they’re discontinued), but I also own them in Blue Camo and a Green Camo color that no longer seems to be made.

  • If you want quality shorts that also have a social purpose, consider the Rescue Fishing Shorts that are made from nylon waste such as fishing nets, carpet flooring and industrial plastic.


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