Sansui Tokyo JDM Tackle Unboxing

Sansui Fishing tackle shop Shibuya Tokyo

In 2007, back before I knew how to spend money more freely, I went on a nevertheless-amazing tackle shopping journey in Japan. Unfortunately, I haven’t been back since, which forces me to rely on eBay, international shipping and the kindness of strangers to get my fix.

Well, not always strangers.

My brother and his family spent a number of years living in Japan and occasionally travel back. COVID put a crimp in those trips as the ultra-careful Japanese government limited the entry of foreigners. Those restrictions lifted this fall, and they made plans to head back as a family. Meanwhile, I agreed to watch their dog Kuma, which except for the occasional noxious squeaking is actually quite a pleasure. I like the little booger and he tires out our own El Diablo.

I would gladly watch their dog for free, but as a thank you my brother and my two nieces made a side trip to the Sansui tackle shop near the Shibuya train station. They don’t know anything at all about fishing, but they did some due diligence and came back with a hefty haul – as you can see from the video below.

If you know anything about the “mystery baits,” please drop a comment or shoot us an email to give us the details.

Someday we will go back to Japan. My credit card bill that month will not be pretty.

Sansui Fishing Tackle Since 1902

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