The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
How To Tie on a Drop Shot
Tying on a drop shot rig may look difficult, but it’s actually fairly simple if you have the right teacher. Here’s veteran pro Chad Morgenthaler breaking down the basics of a tactic he uses just about every day.
Understanding Thermocline and Choosing the Best Garmin Color Palette
Chad Morgenthaler gave me a quick tutorial in how to use the Garmin electronics system — including an explanation of how the thermocline affects bass behavior and how to adjust color palettes to see more and know more.
My Table Rock Fishing Trip Wasn’t Crappie
Samantha Sukupcak and I headed to Table Rock Lake to fish for bass with Chad Morgenthaler — but he also taught us how to “shoot” for crappie under docks and into marina slips. It’s a great technique that’s easy to learn.
Learning How to Fish a Football Jig
Even after nearly 20 years of fishing there’s a ton I still need to learn, including a lot of basics. When should I use certain lures? How do electronics work? Why this? What that? So many questions! Learning from your husband is difficult, so I got Chad Morgenthaler of FutureCast Academy to teach me to fish a football jig.
Fishing’s Version of Gaming
Ace instructor Chad Morgenthaler of Future Cast Academy taught me Livescope and now when Pete asks if I want to run the trolling motor he may be surprised at my answer. Check out what it looks like and all the fun we had finding and catching fish. Contact Chad for a personalized lesson.
Chad Morgenthaler’s Early Season Ozarks Crankbaits
No region is more closely associated with a single crankbait than the Ozarks and the Storm Wiggle Wart, but it’s not a cure-all. You can’t just fling it out and get bit on every cast. You have to have the right color, the right tackle, and of course be in the right place under the right conditions. Check out Chad Morgenthaler’s complete system.
Chad Morgenthaler’s Ozarks Region Jig Selections
Chad Morgenthaler knows that a jig is a key tournament tool, and he’s dialed in sizes and colors for Ozarks region lakes like Table Rock, Bull Shoals, Norfork, Lake of the Ozarks and many others. If you’re headed that way, pay attention to the following video to narrow down your choices.