Hanna Robbins and Jennifer Combs with a cooler full of crappie from Lake Sam Rayburn

The Outdoor Gear We Recommend

We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.

No tackle shop on earth provides more specialized gear for bass than Tackle Warehouse. If you want it, they've got it in stock — whether it's a proven winner or the newest items on the market — and their service is exceptional.

Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

The Five New Rods I Used Most Last Year

I have a lot of fishing rods, and I’ll probably up the count in 2025, because part of my tackle-hoarding sickness is that I live for the myth of more. Here are the five that I obtained in 2024 that’ll get used heavily in 2025 and beyond.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Bass Tackle for Panama Tuna Trip #5

My 2024 fishing travel highlight took place in Panama when we got into multiple schools of tuna and I caught them on bass tackle. We’re headed back in January, and while that’s not ultra-prime tuna popping time, I’m hoping that I can use some of that same gear for not just tuna, but also inshore species.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

A Dozen Great Gifts for Traveling Anglers 2024

I still believe that in many cases the best gift you can give a loved one or acquaintance is an experience, but even trips require some sort of gear. Here are some of the options that we either own or would like to receive ourselves.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Mission Accomplished: Yellowfin Tuna on Bass Tackle

I was a little bit nervous about bringing bass tackle to Panama. Even though I was prepared to sacrifice the gear to the tuna gods, I simply wasn’t sure how it would hold up in the heat of battle. I’m thrilled with how the experience turned out.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Fishy Father’s Day Gifts That’ll Make Every Dad Happy

If your father introduced you to fishing, then you owe him a special debt of gratitude. If somehow you found the sport on your own, then why not bring him into the fold? Seriously, dad put up with all of your crap over the years, so demonstrate that you’re thankful by going over and above with a fishing-related gift.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

New Megabass Valkyrie World Expedition Travel Rods at Tackle Warehouse

Tackle Warehouse has historically been diligent about stocking premium products, including a long list of multi-piece rods ideal for travelers at any budget. That has included sticks from Megabass. Recently they added the Megabass Valkyrie World Expedition travel rods – two spinning rods and six casting rods including several lengths and strengths that are otherwise hard to find in multi-piece tools.

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Pete Robbins Pete Robbins

Travel Rod Updates — Summer 2021

Despite a pledge to do so, I have not yet conducted the rigorous test travel rod testing that I discussed late last year and early in 2021. I simply haven’t fished enough at home to give meaningful analyses, and I did not bring any multi-piece rods when we visited El Salto in June. That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped my travel rod acquisitions, though.

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