Hanna Robbins and Jennifer Combs with a cooler full of crappie from Lake Sam Rayburn

The Outdoor Gear We Recommend

We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.

No tackle shop on earth provides more specialized gear for bass than Tackle Warehouse. If you want it, they've got it in stock — whether it's a proven winner or the newest items on the market — and their service is exceptional.

Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

New Multipiece Spinning Rods – January 2025

There are typically more multi-piece spinning rods than baitcasting rods. They’ve recently added nine spinning rods or series. Whether you’re chasing bass, trout, walleye or saltwater critters, they probably have something you can pack on your next long-distance trip.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

New Big Bass Baits for Mexico at Tackle Warehouse

Although we truly believe that it pays to pack the proven basics for your next bass fishing trip to Mexico, we continue to scour the internet for lures that might apply. Each year or two we seem to add one or two more “staples” to our list. Furthermore, a lot of you big bait fanatics think that’s the way to tempt a true giant.

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

Follow-Up Baits

More lures and rods come out every week, so rather than update past columns about tackle trends, here’s a catch-all following up on some of those surveys. What do you think of this new gear at Tackle Warehouse?

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Gear Pete Robbins Gear Pete Robbins

New Products for On-The-Go Anglers

There were plenty of goodies brought to light at the Bassmaster Classic, and we’ll see many more from ICAST. There may be another surge closer to Christmas. That does not mean that the designers and manufacturers can take intermittent breaks of several weeks or months. Here are some products that might be of use whether you’re headed to Mexico or Brazil or anywhere that requires travel-friendly gear.

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