The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
Are Your Marine Electronics Ready for a BeatDown?
As our sonar and GPS options have increased, the risk associated with having them stolen or broken has also become potentially much more costly. Additionally, aging eyes have trouble seeing distant screens. BeatDown Outdoors has some solutions to these potential problems.
Three Daiwa Spinning Reels for Travelers – Where Value Meets Performance
If you’re headed on a distant trip, you don’t want to break the bank on a spinning reel, but you don’t want it to fail at an inopportune moment, either. Daiwa has some value propositions.
Crickets for Combs
Most bass fishing fans know Keith Combs for his prowess with a crankbait, but they sometimes overlook how good he is with other techniques. Increasingly in recent years, particularly when bass are shallow, he’s put his faith in Strike King’s Thunder Cricket vibrating jig.
Kyle Patrick + Douglas Rods = Opens Win, Classic Berth, Century Belt
Elite Series rookie Kyle Patrick is attached at the hip to his arsenal of Douglas Rods — here are four that have played a heavy role in his professional success so far.
Yeti’s GoBox Tied Our Booth Together
As we built our booth in anticipation of our first trade show, we needed to find a waterproof, dustproof and uncrushable storage box to preserve valuables between events. We found the perfect vessel in Yeti’s 60 GoBox Gear Case.
Daiwa’s Do-Everything Ardito Three-Piece Rod
Daiwa’s three-piece Ardito travel rod combines premium components with a reasonable price tag. They excelled for us in Africa on tigerfish.
Stretching Things Out with Daiwa’s Procyon
If you think that telescoping rods are merely for amateurs and beginners, check out the Procyon series from Daiwa. They’re high quality with a reasonable price.
Glide Baits on My Current Wish List
I’m addicted to thinking about glide baits and might want/need to add a few more. Which of these three should be next? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Two Underappreciated Lipless Crankbaits
The Rat-L-Trap and Red Eye Shad are proven winners in the lipless crankbait genre, but they’re not the only game in town. I have dozens and dozens more, including some that have produced big catches around the country.
Scuppernong Soft Plastics
While I’m not an expert in bass fishing history, I’m old enough to remember some things about the sport that have become inexplicably forgotten or passe. During my childhood, the “grape” patterns were a big deal, not just the classic “black grape” but also lesser known shades like Scuppernong.
Daiwa Saltiga Premium Travel Rods for Saltwater Combat
Imagine you get to the Seychelles or Costa Rica or Baja and the outfit you've chartered has crappy rods not up to the task of subduing your quarry. Toting a full-sized rod tube is also often a pain in the butt. Daiwa offers a solution -- travel rods built to take on the beefiest brawlers in the ocean.
Zoom Super Chunk Variety
Zoom’s Super Chunk is my go-to in a wide variety of situations when bass want something with a lot of action. Consistent with Zoom’s history, it comes in a ton of colors, but if you want to get started with a limited budget, here are five that’ll cover most situations.
Dan Brovarney’s Swim Jig Tutorial
It might be a stretch to say that swim jigs changed my life, but once I bought into them, I caught tons of fish that had previously ignored or evaded me. Here’s a one-on-one with Dan Brovarney, the man responsible for that improvement.
Japan’s Hottest New Soft Plastic Bass Lure
Japan’s latest and hottest new bass craze may have a scatalogical name, but it’s super effective. If you think the Senko is the greatest bait ever — and there’s a strong argument for that — see if this stubbier, heavier version gives it a run for its money.
Scents Down Under: We Had to Beat It Out of Them
When it comes to NSFW ribald humor, our raucous Australian friends have a leg up on just about every American fishing tackle manufacturer except for Andre Moore. Check out the newest lure scent from Shads Lures — I’m not sure they could get away with that here.
Matching the Hatch Mahi-Style
We love catching mahi. Apparently lots of other species like to chase, capture and consume them, too, because the tackle ecosphere is loaded with hyper-realistic trolling lures.
Daiwa Baitcasters for Mexico That Provide Value and Performance
On your next trip to Lake El Salto or Lake Picachos, I’d strongly recommend bringing no fewer than five reels. Chris Martin of Daiwa offered us up information on reels that excel for flipping, cranking and swimbaiting that are also value propositions.
Winning Baits of Past Grand Lake Bassmaster Classics
We’re headed back to Grand Lake for the big Oklahoma impoundment’s third time hosting the Bassmaster Classic. The tournament will be a month later. Nevertheless if you need a refresher course on what won the last two times, check out the following lures. No matter where you fish during the prespawn, they might help you sack a few extra bass.
My Favorite Whopper Plopper and Choppo Colors
It came from the musky world, but the Whopper Plopper and its progeny have made bass fishing substantially more exciting. What are your favorite colors in this category?
My, What Big Teeth You Have – Daiwa’s Ardito Muskie Travel Rods
Most travel rods are made to handle a number of circumstances, none of them particularly well. Daiwa wants to change that in their US market, and one clear sign is their new Ardito Muskie Travel Rods. They’re two 8’5”, five-section sticks made of premium components.