Sticking With Pez Gallo

Roosterfish bumper sticker and Hanna Robbins at Flat Creek Restaurant Missouri

I’ve never been a big fan of bumper stickers or decals on my tow vehicle or boat. Right now, my Suburban has a single sticker, advertising Anglers Inn International, the outfitter that helped me realize how important fishing travel is in my life. However, we also have tons of stickers on our rod tubes, Hanna’s Pelican case, and on the inside of our garage door.

However, we do not yet have any depicting roosterfish, one of our favorite species to chase and no doubt one of the most visually striking. Fortunately, for a fish with limited geographic distribution there are plenty of decal options available. Here are some of our favorites.

If you’d like to try for a roosterfish of your own in Panama or Guatemala, shoot us an email asap and we’ll help you achieve that goal — possibly in triplicate.

Roosterfish tripleheader in Gulf of Chiriqui Panama

Tee of the Week – Going All the Way