That’s What She Said

Fish With a Chubby Hat from Stachewax Fly Fishing Blog

The Robbins family motto is, “You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever.”

Of course, because this is the highly-argumentative Robbins family, we can’t agree on who said it. I claim it’s Dr. Seuss. My brother argues it was Goose Gossage. Other sources (including my refrigerator magnet) indicate that it was poet Ogden Nash or Australian feminist Germaine Greer

Regardless of who’s right (for the record: I’m right, they’re wrong), the Robbins households are all havens for immaturity. Every family member, from the youngest to the oldest, laughs when the ketchup bottle “farts.” We’re all veterans of the “pull my finger” routine. I may have taken it to another level, barely managing to stifle a laugh whenever my fishing partner says “stick it in that bush” or asks “do you have a big sack?”

That’s why I’m glad when I find people in the fishing industry who are every bit as juvenile as this 50 year-old – or who give me an opportunity to express that everlasting youthful vim and vigor. 

In my daily internet stumblings I came across Stachewax, a fly fishing blog from Colorado, and while I’m still pretty new to the fly game I immediately noticed their “Fish With a Chubby” and “Just the Tippet” hats and decals. If you’re reading this blog they’ll probably appeal to you, too. 

This just tells me that Hanna and I need to up our merch game.

Just the tippet hat from Stachewax fly fishing blog

Fishing Jewelry: I Am a Material Girl


Fly and Functional Peacock Bass Art