The Outdoor Gear We Recommend
We may have a little bit of a hoarding problem. Good gear need not be expensive, but it has to improve the experience in some way. Whether it’s the right rod, a certain bait, or the world’s best rainsuit, we’ll give unfiltered opinions on what we use and why we use it.
No tackle shop on earth provides more specialized gear for bass than Tackle Warehouse. If you want it, they've got it in stock — whether it's a proven winner or the newest items on the market — and their service is exceptional.
Chad Meenan’s Swimbait Starter Set for Mexican Beasts
Hanna and I get asked about the best swimbaits for big Mexican bass all the time, and while we can give some generalized answers, we’ve long been in search of a true expert to advise us. We found that person in Chad Meenan, one of the handful of gringos who fishes South of the Border more than we do.
Tackle Warehouse Exclusive Colors of the Gan Craft Jointed Claw
The Gan Craft Jointed Claw. It’s a JDM product that like the Bull Shads can be had (in some sizes) for less than $100. The Jointed Claw is available in a wide variety of colors domestically, as well as some that are harder-to-find. Now they’ve introduced two Tackle Warehouse exclusive patterns for the US market – Brilliant Trout and Gorgeous Shad.
Valentine’s Day Treats for Your “Honey” Hole
Valentine’s Day is an important opportunity to show someone that you really love them. Below are some red baits, accessories and apparel that are time-tested. Any angler who receive these gifts would feel extra special.
Recommended Bass Boat Add-Ons for 2023
Now that I’ve owned 7 high-performance bass boats, ordering 5 of them new from Bass Cat, I feel that I have a pretty good idea of what I want out of the gate. Nevertheless, there are always a few add-ons that I either can’t get from them, or that I realize I want/need after the delivery date. Here are 3 such items that I’ve paid retail for since taking delivery of my Puma STS.
Sansui Tokyo JDM Tackle Unboxing
My brother and my two nieces were kind enough to stop off at the Sansui tackle shop during their stay in Tokyo — and they brought me home a “care package.” Check out what’s inside.
More Ultra-Deep Diving Crankbaits for Mexico
My El Salto personal best came on a Strike King 10XD. That’s my first call in the 20 foot zone but there are other options out there. Since I published my first blog on the topic a while back, additional manufacturers have seen the value in entering this market. Here are a handful more that reportedly dive to or beyond the 20 foot range on a long cast using the right tackle.
Restocking Rods at Anglers Inn
Any competent angler could have a fantastic trip to Anglers Inn with the provided rods. Additionally, traveling with a rod tube is a major pain in the ass. Don’t do it unless you’re prepared to be hassled and disappointed. I’m in a position where if a few get messed up I’ll be unhappy, but it won’t change my life. That means it’s time to restock my toolbox down there. I’ll be flying to Mexico with a rod tube for the first time since 2016. Here are the sticks I’m bringing.
Fishing Gear Aimed at Protection from Bugs
Insects can merely be an annoyance while you’re fishing, but they can also be harmful or even life-threatening. This article contains ways to prevent bug bites and to minimize discomfort and health issues from any that get through to you.
Shimano: A Brand You Know, Travel Rods You Probably Don’t
I have a lot of Shimano rods and reels because I’ve found them to be of high-quality right out of the box and exceptionally durable over the long haul. While I do own one travel rod from G.Loomis, which exists under the Shimano brands umbrella, I don’t have any with an actual “Shimano” decal on them. That’s likely because their three- and four-piece selections in the U.S. market are limited. Their Japanese lineup, on the other hand, is absolutely LOADED with multi-piece options.
Rapala: A Brand You Know, Travel Rods You Probably Don’t
I’m just about certain that the first largemouth bass I ever caught on an artificial lure came on the Original Rapala Floating Minnow, probably a size 5 or 7. I still throw a lot of their products, like the DT Series, and of course the Shad Rap, but until I saw them in a Brazilian tackle shop I had no idea that Rapala made rods, too.
Products That’ll Get Me Bit in ‘23
Whereas once upon a time we had to wait for ICAST or the Bassmaster Classic to be the sole launch point for new bass fishing gear, now it’s virtually a year-round process. That’s great for a tackle junkie like me, because it means that any time Tackle Warehouse has a sale I have something new I want to order. As we enter 2023, here are four that I have my eyes on.
Fat Cat: Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge’s 33 Freeman
At Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge it’s hard to settle on a one-size-fits-all boating solution. That’s because the captains may start of the day trolling for marlin on the Hannibal Bank, then popping for tuna, and close out the afternoon pulling baits for inshore species. Same body of water, very different techniques. Owner Shane Jarvis has added a 33’ Freeman named the “Fat Cat” to the fleet.
My So-Called Swimbait Life
Now that I’ve caught a few fish on swimbaits and glide baits I’m fully committed to learning more about the technique. I know that there will be a window when my “seat time” pays off, although I suspect that there will be some frustrating hours before that happens. With each additional cast I learn something new, but sometimes it feels like “one step forward, two steps back.”
Breaking into the Glide Bait World – One Bass at a Time
It was only after attending the Swimbait Universe Gathering that I truly realized how much I wanted to break into the world of low volume glide baits. I’m still pretty green, but eager to learn, so I did something that I’ve been vowing to try for 30 years whenever I’ve wanted to learn a new technique – I committed fully for a day.
Gift Ideas from 2022 Elite Series Angler of the Year Brandon Palaniuk
Today Brandon Palaniuk has just about every piece of fishing gear necessary and possible, but it wasn’t always that way. He didn’t have much growing up, so he knows the value of a buck. Here are four items he recommends as presents if you simply don’t know what to buy the bass angler in your life.
Hanna’s Proven Gear for 2022 Holiday Gifts
For years, I just fished with the rods, reels and other gear that was handed to me, but now I have definite opinions about what works and what does not. Therefore, I feel qualified to tell you to buy the following products for the anglers on your list. Most are aimed at either bass fishermen (fisherwomen too!) or travelers.
My Proudest Husband Moment of 2022
Despite her inexplicable love for Carolina Rigging, my wife redeems herself with an equal-if-not-greater passion for topwater fishing. Whether it’s a Rico at El Salto, a Kermett Adams chopper in the Amazon, or a mouse-imitator on a remote Alaskan stream, she knows that sometimes it’s better to persevere with a surface lure than something “easier.”
Five Gifts Under Five Bucks for Bass Anglers
There are plenty of gift options for bass anglers. But what if you’re cash-strapped? Or you just want a little inexpensive something to show someone you care? Perhaps you just need an item or two to hit the free shipping mark. Here are a few items that just about any bass fanatic either needs or wants or could easily use. They won’t break the bank, either.
Ten Gifts Under Ten Bucks for Bass Anglers
I realize that not everyone can afford to gift their favorite bass angler a bass boat, a trip to El Salto, or even a Livescope system. Maybe you’re cash-strapped or you don’t know the person too well, or you just need a simple item to fill out your list. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of high-quality items that won’t break the bank. Here are 10 we can recommend.
What is an Outrigger?
Put me in a bass boat and you’re going to have a hard time surprising me with any sort of accessories. In a saltwater boat, however, just about everything is new. Even if I’ve seen an item before, I don’t always know the “how” or “why” of the design and construction. Luckily I have Shane Jarvis to give me the straight scoop. Here’s what he had to say about his Tigress Outriggers.