What, no Lindy Rig Lager?

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People in the south, east and west may not get it, but up north walleye fishing is a serious religion. Those dudes take their leeches and splash guards and gigantic nets every bit as seriously as bass guys take swimbaits and tungsten and deep diving crankplugs – maybe even more. A lot of them also like to drink, as evidenced by the fact that in most Wisconsin and Minnesota towns there seems to be a bar or two or three. So I decided to investigate the intersection of walleyes and beer and was not surprised by my findings.

Minnesota’s “Beer for Wildlife” has brews dedicated to big bucks and pheasants and turkeys, but the one that caught my attention was Walleye Chop, a copper lager they created in 2010.

Walleye Chop beer for wildlife copper lager Minnesota

Ohio’s North High Brewing Company offers Grapefruit Walleye. They say that “the dank pungency of Citra hops is amplified by a hearty dose of grapefruit juice.”

Walleye North High Brewing Company Grapefruit Walleye Session IPA ohio

Another Ohio brewery, Platform Beer Company, made Walleye Whistle.

Walleye Whistle Platform Beer Company Ohio fishing

A third, Catawaba Island Brewing Company, serves up Walleye-P-A

Catawba Island Brewing Company Walleye-P-A fishing beer

Sleeping Giant Brewery on the North Shore of Lake Superior has previously offered Fighting Walleye Pickerel Pale Ale.

Fighting Walleye Pickerel Pale Ale Lake Superior beer fishing

Walleye hounds: Did I miss any?


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